Best Beginner Tier Countries for CPA Marketing

Understanding Tier Countries

Dennis Chikwayi
8 min readOct 21, 2022

I see that several YouTubers in the affiliate/CPA marketing industry constantly push offerings that are more skewed toward Tier-1 countries. This is because of the lucrative incentives that advertising provides.

They cannot occasionally disclose the fact that some offers are intended for marketeers with at least some experience and established funnels.

After viewing all these astronomical sales figures from videos, newcomers to the industry often become discouraged because, despite using the same advice, their pockets remain empty and they make no money.

What makes them think they were scammed in the end?

Because they are not informed about the fierce competition that exists among Tier-1 GEOs, I’m not suggesting that Tier-1 groups aren’t workable; in fact, you can earn a ton of money there.

It’s smart to start with countries that have less competition, greater room for learning, and lower risk.

What are Country Tiers

Countries are divided into three tiers in the affiliate marketing industry. These divisions are Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3. These groups are classified based on their economies, spending patterns, and other characteristics.

These country tiers help publishers focus on the countries that the advertisers are interested in.

Allow me to explain why sending traffic to Tier-2 countries is the ideal choice if you are new to CPA marketing.

Let’s look at the country's tiers and see what they are.

Tier- 1 countries

The countries included in this category are:

  • Australia
  • Great Britain
  • Denmark
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • New Zealand
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • USA

Other countries that can be included in this grouping are China, France, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Iceland.

Advantages of Tier 1 Group

  • higher payouts
  • These countries’ citizens have substantial purchasing power.
  • Promote reputable offers
  • a large source of traffic
  • Plenty of offers to choose from
  • Traditionally, citizens have access to credit card facilities — the likelihood that leads will turn into sales

Disadvantages of Tier-1 Group

  • This is not a good environment for beginners because it is a very competitive space.
  • strict regulations
  • a great deal more costly than other Tiers
  • Most of the population in countries use Ad Blockers, making it harder to penetrate because they are more informed.
  • Finding something new that will grab people’s attention in this congested industry is challenging.

My takeaways: If you think that Tier 1’s cons outweigh its pros and you lack knowledge of this environment.

My recommendation is to learn the skills with lower-tier groups until you have more experience.

Tier-2 countries

These nations represent the developing economies of the world. Here we have big countries with big populations and smaller countries that are well organized.

It comprises a wide range of African, Asian, European, and South American countries. It includes countries like.

  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Austria
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • S. Africa
  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • The United Arab Emirates, among many others.

Advantages of Tier- 2 Group

  • Less difficult to convert than Tier-1; less competitive
  • fewer restrictions than Tier 1, particularly in non-European nations
  • The ideal market for beginners that wish to get experience before entering Tier-1 countries
  • More money than Tier-3 countries
  • Traffic is relatively affordable

Disadvantages of Tier -2 Group

  • Conversion rates may fluctuate, especially outside Europe
  • Not all traffic leads in quality leads.
  • Some GEOs don’t have enough good offerings
  • Some GEO citizens lack credit cards, limiting their options for making purchases.
  • Multilingual countries in this group, as you can see, come from three different continents. You might need to pay translators, which will increase your overhead.

My takeaway: If this sounds appealing to you, Tier-2 countries are where I began my CPA earning journey. This is the category you should start in if you are just getting started and know little or nothing about CPA marketing.

Tier -3 Group

Don’t underrate the power of this group. For seasoned marketers who are warrior-like and aim to increase their dominance across all three tier groups, this tier might be a fascinating environment.

Tier 3-group countries are lower-stakes markets. They may include countries like these in this list.

  • Albania
  • Chad
  • Congo
  • Swaziland
  • Cambodia
  • Georgia
  • Iraq
  • Zimbabwe
  • Namibia
  • Malawi
  • Somalia, among many others.

There is now enough traffic thanks to the widespread availability of internet access in these GEOs for marketers who will invest the effort in researching these markets to make money.

advantages of Tier — 3 Group

  • The lowest price range
  • Competition
  • less regulation
  • Cheap traffic
  • Most people do not use ad blockers.

Disadvantages of Tier- 3 Group

  • Payouts are few.
  • They require local content
  • Not great traffic

Given that there is less competition in tier 2 than in tier 1 and that Tier 3 rewards are excruciatingly low, start with tier 2 nations if you want to speed up your success in CPA marketing.

Let’s explore the sources of traffic that will drive traffic.

Rather than re-inventing the wheel, make use of the existing traffic by getting there and taking your due bite.

How to Promote CPA offers for Free

The top six traffic sources to use for CPA offer promotion are listed below for you to explore:


For every niche, Reddit offers many vibrant communities. There are communities that evolve around problems with offers or products that can be pushed using a CPA marketing strategy.

However, a word of caution: Reddit, like Quora, is quite strict about CPA/affiliate marketing. They don’t allow direct linking or spamming.

You’ll need a website where you can post content about your deals, or you may use a free website provider like Google Sites, Blogger, or WordPress.

All you need to do is create an account on Reddit and subscribe to some subreddits that discuss things like discounts, coupons, freebies, and so forth

Similar to any other social media network, start by sharing informative content for the benefit of the group before directing group members to external platforms that include your offer links.

You will gain some karma by doing this (kinda like the trust that allows you to share your links or create your own subreddit group). Consider this carefully if you wish to benefit from this website.


The easiest way to get traffic for CPA marketing offers is to set up a business account on Pinterest and start creating pins that point people to your landing pages, websites, or Google’s sites platform, where you can place links to your offers.

For my offers’ landing pages, I use Beacons, a mobile website builder. Create an optimized profile and use Pinterest with keyword-rich pins to maximize the potential of the platform.

Use apps like Canva or PosterMyWall to make high-quality pins that you can post on your profile boards.

Do not forget that Pinterest is not only a social network but also a visual search engine that appears in Google’s top search results. This shows how helpful for marketers this site can be.


On Facebook, we may find practically any niche that matches ours. You can join discussion groups on the topics that interest you, share your knowledge, and offer your CPA products as solutions to the problems that other members are facing.

Marketplace for Classified Ads

For promoting CPA offers to a specific audience, classified ad websites might be excellent venues. Use trend-spotting tools like Google Trends if you want to take advantage of the power of these websites.

An excellent resource for learning about global trends and GEOs worldwide is Google Trends.

  • Check out the newest hot searches on the platform.
  • Look up specific terms using geolocation (e.g. trending products)
  • Find topics that are like those that are becoming more popular.
  • Analyze the growth of interest in a topic

With the aid of such analytics, you can develop effective classified campaigns that are pre-populated with details about your target audience.


Because Quora is a Q&A platform, it may be an excellent traffic source for both fresh and seasoned affiliates.

Many visitors come to this website to get their questions answered. It is your duty as an affiliate to answer questions from people about your area of expertise or experience.

The safest way to promote CPA offerings on Quora and prevent being banned is to just include one link to your offers for every seven questions you answer.

This is how I go about it. Use landing pages rather than straight links for the affiliate links you include in your article.

Give more to the Quora community, and you’ll be surprised at how your following and profile views increase in the long run.

Google Sites

Google sites’ CPA marketing merely refers to the ability to use Google sites as a resource page for the links to your CPA offers.

Simple landing pages may be created using Google Sites, and as long as you have a Gmail account, blogging is completely free.

Because it is a Google product, a well-optimized Google site can rank instantly in Google results. This implies that you don’t need to invest in sophisticated SEO strategies.

The steps to creating a Google-optimized site that can generate revenue for your CPA marketing offers are:

  • For your Google site, look, for content ideas.
  • There are several tools available for keyword research, including Answer the Public, Keyword Everywhere, Microsoft Keyword Planner, and Google Keyword Planner.

Once you have a ton of content ideas, find out who is ranking for the same keyword among your competitors and look at their domain authority.

Target low-competition keywords and write a blog post that is between 1000 and 1500 words long.

The other strategy to beat a rival is to write an article with more words than they do. Just make sure it sounds genuine and meaningful.

Focus on sub-niches with limited competition, and optimize your Google site to rank well on Google by:

  • In the headline, include your targeted keywords.
  • In the opening sentences of an article, include your target keyword.
  • Use bulleted lists
  • Enhance your content with videos and images.
  • In headlines, place your target keywords between 1 and 2 or use variations.
  • Finale: Include the targeted keyword

Google sites that are optimized for search perform better than new, average WordPress sites with low DA.

Scaling up

When you are just getting started, organic traffic is beneficial. However, you must increase your paid traffic scale. Invest in paid traffic through paid ads after you’ve earned your first few sales.

One of the best methods, for achieving your CPA marketing objectives is paid traffic.

If you're using CPA marketing, you can select from a variety of paid traffic sources. When you have a tight budget, though, you must pick the ideal options that are also somewhat more affordable.

For a start, I suggest Quora Ads, Pinterest Ads, and Microsoft Ads.

In conclusion, I think that CPA marketing offers beginners a low barrier to entry for making money.

You only need to request a few straightforward actions from your audience, and the other thing to keep in mind is to understand the dynamics of tier countries.

As a beginner, I still believe that Tier-2 countries can provide the finest launching pad before you try out Tier-1 and Tier-3 countries.

That wraps up Tier countries and CPA marketing. Continue to study and document your CPA marketing adventures.

This may help others use them as references and as a learning resource.

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