How to Wake up at 5AM and Grow Your Webtalk Followers

Dennis Chikwayi
4 min readApr 5, 2021
Image Source: PosterMyWall

I become a fan of 5AM Club for a month and this happened

If you win the morning, you win the day–Tim Ferris

And Robin Sharma writes in his book “The 5AM Club”:

If you own your morning, you will elevate your life.

The book teaches about waking up at 5AM and spending the first 20 minutes excising, the second meditating and the third 20 minutes learning.

You are wondering whether there is anything in this Waking up Early Movement. There is a lot of information out there on the Net about big names who are fans of the 5AM Club.

Names like Apple CEO, Tim Cook starts his day at 3:45AM. Virgin Group Founder, Sir Richard Branson and Twitter Co-founder, Jack Dorsey, both wake up around 5AM.

Steve Jobs and Disney’s Bob Iger are also the advocates of the Waking up Early Movement.

If this is the common trait among these extraordinary people, then they must do something right.

I joined the 5AM Club and here are the things I learnt that get me 10 new Webtalk followers every single day.

Getting Started

The big question: is early wake up the key to success?

The quick answer is NO. Productivity “gurus” make it look easy, the truth is waking up at 5AM is hard.

Waking up early does not guarantee success unless you use that time well with the right plan and tools.

Here’s what I did and recommend growing your Webtalk followers organically:

Step 1: Retire to bed early

Sleeping is a crucial step that many people underestimate when trying the 5AM club. I go to bed at 9PM, this gives me at least 8 hours sleep rest that powers me to get up at 5AM.

Step 2: Invest in a Smarter Alarm

I use a vibrating wrist alarm that gradually wakes me up. Waking up slowly allows the body to accept the fact you are waking up.

Am no longer a fan of alarm clocks that violently and rudely awakes me. A vibrating wrist alarm also prevents those threating looks from my partner for disturbing her morning demons.

Step 3: Early Morning Treats

Coffee is there to help you wake up. It allows you to stay alert and achieve more.

Once the early wake-ups become easier, you can upgrade your morning java to something you can really savor, like green tea or lemon water.

Step 4: Webtalk Networking

Start the day with a daunting, Webtalk task. This allows you to have control over your Webtalk back office and win your Webtalk day.

I start my day by writing a Webtalk post. I use Google Documents app for all my content. This app allows me access my content anywhere.

I login to my Webtalk account, check out the notification messages. Before I attend them, I first create Webtalk update if I have one and post it.

I then get back to the received notifications and engage on my posts and other people’s posts meaningfully.

Having a well-set plan and tools in place; Webtalk networking can easier and provide you with all metrics that keep you more in touch with your target audience.

They key to success is address your audience’s pain-points.

Step 5: Share Your Webtalk Content

Webtalk loves content that’s hosted on their website. By sharing posts on their site, directly you get more people viewing and sharing it.

When your network shares your posts, other people will discover your content.

And if the content is of excellent quality and value, people will start following you and grow your followers.

Webtalk allows you syndicate your posts to other social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Slack.

This furthers the reach out to people who are not on the platform, and this means new referrals and followers to your name.

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There you go, the 5AM Club is not only for perceived extra ordinary people, you are the extraordinary.

The Waking up Early Movement is for the people who want to create time for themselves and can benefit from these:

  • Time to exercise
  • Arrive at work more awake
  • Fewer distractions
  • Time to treat yourself to healthy food
  • Catch up with others in your network

I hope this guide has helped and inspired you on how tame your morning demons and get most out of your mornings.

