7 Steps to Become a TikTok Affiliate Marketer

A Myth debunked

Dennis Chikwayi
4 min readMay 22, 2022
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Over one-fifth of TikTok users said they bought things on the site “all the time,” far surpassing any other platform.

January 2022 (source) Bazaar Voice Survey

This is an intriguing revelation since, while TikTok may not have the same size shopping base as Facebook or Instagram, TikTok users are very active and engaged.

Who are these people shopping on TikTok?

TikTok’s audience is divided into hashtag categories such as entertainment, dance, fitness, homeDIY, fashion, recipes, and pets.

As you can see, most users visit TikTok to be entertained or to watch cool hacks. As a result, TikTok is a useful determinant of purchase intent.

If you look at the hashtag “TikTokMadeMeBuyIt,” you see it has millions of views on content that uses it.

You discover content that covers an assortment of products ranging from kitchen gadgets, courses, and yoga pants. These kinds of content are going viral like crazy and resulting in sales.

This is showed by the comments TikTokers leave on these short videos. Brands and astute marketers are already capitalizing on the #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt trend.

Consider adding TikTok to your marketing arsenal as a newbie or professional affiliate marketer.

TikTok, like any other social media platform, does not allow you to include affiliate links in your videos. However, you can use TikTok to promote brands and goods.

The first step is to create a TikTok account and upgrade your personal account to a business account.

You can now include a clickable link in your profile. This clickable link could lead to your homepage or a landing page.

So, whenever you post a video, use a CTA word like “Link inBio” or the hashtag #LinkInBio to let other TikTok users know that you have included a link in your bio for them to check out for more information.

The link in your BIO is prime real estate for your platform success. You can also include links to your other social platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, and encourage your fans to follow you there.

Answering these questions will help you decide which links to include in your bio.

  • Do you wish to increase the number of sales on your website?
  • Do you wish to raise your level of awareness?
  • Do you wish to expand your social media following? You must first highlight your social media site.
  • Do you want your page views to increase? You should draw attention to your blog.

Once you have answered these questions and included your link, go the extra mile by highlighting it in your BIO with emojis and a call to action to grab your audience’s attention. You should also think about using various Link-in-Bio tools, which allow you to tweak your link (URL) and “beautify” it by making it shorter and more attractive.

Here are the things you will need to earn as an affiliate marketer once your account is up and running.

Choose A Niche

The first step is to choose a TikTok niche that is performing really well. Study the hashtag categories that receive a lot of views on TikTok, as well as hashtags that are less popular. This will allow you to uncover niches, sub niches, and items to promote.

You must continue down the rabbit hole; you will be astonished at what you will discover. You can come upon other niches that are less competitive but workable.

Optimize Your Profile

Once you have decided on a niche, switch your account from personal to business to enable a clickable link in your bio.

You should do the following to improve your profile:

  • Insert in a “clean” clickable link to drive traffic to your destination site.
  • Include keywords you want to be associated with so that they will see your profile when others search for that keyword.
  • For your account, choose a name that is both trustworthy and recognizable.
  • Write a biography that is catchy to make people to connect with your profile.
  • Make your profile photo stand out.

Make sure your profile is mobile-friendly

TikTok is a smartphone app, therefore you will need to make sure your content and landing pages are mobile-friendly.

Follow Other Successful Profiles

Begin by following other successful accounts in your niche and eavesdropping on their ideas for gaining more views and followers.

Gather information on the content they post, how frequently they post, the affiliate products they promote, and so on.

Create A Landing Page

A landing page is an essential tool for TikTok affiliate marketing success. Landing pages enable you to collect emails and create a mailing list that you can use to market your affiliate products whenever you want. There are many landing page creation tools available to help you build a sales funnel. Systeme.oi and Linktree are two such tools.

Start Content Creation

When you first start out, creating content will need a lot of trial and error. You must learn from the experiences of other content authors. Such as the hashtags they use, the trending sounds they use, and the CTAs they used to send people to their link-in-bio and affiliate offerings.

Post Frequently

On TikTok, as on any other site, uploading constantly is essential for success. You may increase organic traffic by posting regularly, commenting on other people’s posts, and offering your opinion on things you have tried.

Other users will look at your profile, and if it resonates with them, you will get followers.

Because of the TikTokMadeMeBuyIt phenomenon, TikTok is quickly becoming a social commerce platform of choice for companies and marketers.

On TikTok, millions of users are perusing and consuming video material daily. Do not be misled by the popular belief that this platform is primarily for kids who enjoy watching outrageous dances. It is yet another social media tool for brand marketing.

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